
Price Relevant

Tip: This feature is only supported for Template based Form Fields not for Document based ones.

Price Relevant is an indicator to a connected e-commerce system that this Form Field represents a potential price change or option. This will not have any effects within the Editor, but it will trigger a callback in the frontend API to allow for price changes in the shop page when this Form Field is changed (e.g., for a product option).

Select-list, Image-list, and Color-list Form Fields as well as number Form Fields can all be set to Price Relevant.

A coin icon will be shown on the Form Field to indicate if it has been set as Price Relevant:

Price Relevant

Price per Letter

Attention: This is a feature of the Panel-UI (beta).

For Single Line Text frames you can charge a price per letter.

Price Per Letter

Therefore you have to do two steps:

  1. Switch on Has Per Letter Price in the Form Field Properties.
  2. Printess will then automatically switch on the option Price Relevant which is causing a callback through the API to your shop.
  3. With the Inline Price Display Options you can define the price per letter plus a prefix and a postfix. Printess then automatically calculating the total price and showing it at the Buyer Side.

To test it you have to use the test link which you can access through the Template Context Menu only. Select Test-Link/ Embed.

Test Link

This will open a dialog box where you can select the test link to our new Panel UI: Panel-UI Test-Link.

Panel UI Test Link

At the Buyer Side you now see the inline displayed price which is changing with the number of characters automatically.

Price Per Letter Buyer Side