Additional Attach Parameters

Despite the required standard attach parameters token and templateName, there are other parameters that can change the the behavior and look of your template from within your online store. With a few exceptions (e.g. the theme parameter) these are working with the classic iFrame-Ui as well as with the new Panel- Ui.

The described parameters are just additional properties that are added to your attach parameter object alongside the templateName and token parameters.

Classic iFrame-Ui:

Screenshot of attach call for the iframe ui

const iframe = document.getElementById("printess");
    cmd: "attach", properties: {
        token: "[your-shop-token]",
        templateName: "Baby Photo Book",
        templateVersion: "published",
        formFields: [],
        formFieldProperties: [],
        translationKey: "en",
        basketId: "Some-Unique-Basket-Or-Session-Id"
        addToBasketCallback: (saveToken, thumbnailUrl) => 
            prompt("Savetoken:", saveToken) 
}, "*");

Panel- Ui:

Screenshot of attach call for the panel ui

const printessLoader = await import("");

const printessApi = await printessLoader.load({
    token: "[your-shop-token]",
    templateName: "Baby Photo Book",
    templateVersion: "published",
    formFields: [],
    formFieldProperties: [],
    translationKey: "en",
    basketId: "Some-Unique-Basket-Or-Session-Id"
    addToBasketCallback: (saveToken, thumbnailUrl) => 
        prompt("Savetoken:", saveToken) 

Setting form field values

Using the “formFields” property, it is possible to preselect one or more specific form field values.

formFields: [
        name: "color",
        value: "Marine Blue"
        name: "DOCUMENT_SIZE",
        value: "21.0x29.7"

This example will prefill a form field called color with the value Marine Blue and a form field called DOCUMENT_SIZE with the value “21.0x29.7”.

Setting table form field values

A more complex example for setting form field values is the prefilling of table values. For that, a string containing a serialized json representation of row values is provided. As an example, the wine menu from the editor example templates is used. Each row in the table represents one line in the vine menu. The type column decides if it is a headline (group) or a wine entry (item). Then there is a price display for 2 different sizes (glass / bottle) and a short wine description (details).

Screenshot of the original table configuration:

Screenshot of the original wine menu Screenshot of the original wine menu rendering

The following script will replace the original table entries Chianty, Bordeux, Premier Cru, Chardonny, Sauvignon with Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Gewürztraminer. For better readability, the table contents are split up in one item per row instead of one big array containing everything and put together to one array at the end.

    //Red wine headline
    const groupRedWine = {
        "type": "group",
        "wine": "Red",
        "glass": "Glass",
        "bottle": "Bottle",
        "details": ""

    //White wine headline
    const groupWhiteWine = {
        "type": "group",
        "wine": "White",
        "glass": "",
        "bottle": "",
        "details": ""

    //Red wine entry
    const redWine1 = {
        "type": "item",
        "wine": "Cabernet Sauvignon",
        "glass": "5.50€",
        "bottle": "35.00",
        "details": "Very meaty with fruit flavors"

    //Red wine entry
    const redWine2 = {
        "type": "item",
        "wine": "Merlot",
        "glass": "3.50",
        "bottle": "28.50",
        "details": "Well rounded, medium bodied"

    //Red wine entry
    const redWine3 = {
        "type": "item",
        "wine": "Pinot Noir",
        "glass": "4.00",
        "bottle": "29.00",
        "details": "Juicy fruit flavours"

    //White wine entry
    const whiteWine1 = {
        "type": "item",
        "wine": "Chardonnay",
        "glass": "5.00",
        "bottle": "35.00",
        "details": "Fruity palate and versatility"

    //White wine entry
    const whiteWine2 = {
        "type": "item",
        "wine": "Sauvignon Blanc",
        "glass": "4.50",
        "bottle": "33.00",
        "details": "Aromatic pale yellow and dry"

    //White wine entry
    const whiteWine3 = {
        "type": "item",
        "wine": "Gewürztraminer",
        "glass": "3.50",
        "bottle": "30.0",
        "details": "Full of character"

    //Putting all table rows together in one array
    const tableRows = [

    //Example for Panel- Ui, but will work the same way in iFrame- Ui
    const printessLoader = await import("");

    const printessApi = await printessLoader.load({
        token: "[your-shop-token]",
        templateName: "KB-Table-Formfield-Values",
        templateVersion: "published",
        formFields: [
                name: "menuItems",
                value: JSON.stringify(tableRows)   //tables must be serialized json arrays

Demo: Printess - Table form field values

Change form field configuration / Changing form field list entries

It is possible to change the complete configuration of one or more form fields. This can be done with the formFieldProperties attach parameter. This is an array containing all the form field definitions / properties that should be changed. The definition for one form field is:

    name: string,                       //The form field name
    regExp?: string,                    //A js regex for form field validation
    regExpMessage?: string,             //The validation message in case the validation fails
    info?: string,                      //The form field info text
    maxChars?: number,                  //The maximum number of characters this form field should take
    priceDisplay?: number,              //The price per letter
    pricePrefix?: string,               //A prefix that is displayed in front of the per letter pricing display
    pricePostfix?: string,              //A postfix that is displayed after the per letter pricing display
    hasPerLetterPricing?: boolean,      //The number of used letters is used for pricing.
    isMandatory?: boolean,              //This form field is mandatory and the user has to change its value
    clearOnFocus?: boolean,             //The form field valiue is cleared after receiving the input focus
    list?: formFieldListEntry[]         //In case of list form fields, the list entries

In case of list form fields, the definition for one list entry looks like this:

type formFieldListEntry = {
  key: string,          //The list entry key (value)
  label?: string,       //The display label
  description?: string, //A short description about this entry
  imageId?: string,     //The image id in case of image list
  tag?: string,         //The tag used for price categories
  meta1?: string,       //Additional free to use property
  meta2?: string,       //Additional free to use property
  meta3?: string,       //Additional free to use property
  meta4?: string,       //Additional free to use property
  disabled?: boolean    //If set to true, this entry will not be displayed

Inside the list form field configuration these properties are displayed as columns inside the list entry table:

Screenshot of the form field list entry configuration

To change the label of a form field named “Fruits” from Fruits to Vegetables the formFieldProperties parameters needs to be configured like this:

formFieldProperties: [
    name: "Fruits",
    label: "Vegetables"

The following example demonstrates how to set a form field value called “Text” from Fruits to Vegetables and changes the list entries from fruit types to vegetable types.

The original template:

Screenshot of the unmodified list entries

The list entries after the changed values:

Screenshot of the unmodified list entries

<script type="module">
    //Example for Panel- Ui, but will work the same way in iFrame- Ui
    const printessLoader = await import("");

    const printessApi = await printessLoader.load({
        token: "[your-shop-token]",
        templateName: "KB-List-Formfield-Entries",
        templateVersion: "published",
        formFields: [
                name: "Text",
                value: "Vegetable"
                name: "fruits",
                value: "Carrot"
        formFieldProperties: [
            name: "fruits",
            list: [
                    key: "Tomatoe",
                    label: "Tomatoe"
                    key: "Onion",
                    label: "Onion"
                    key: "Cucumber",
                    label: "Cucumber"
                    key: "Cabbage",
                    label: "Cabbage"
                    key: "Carrot",
                    label: "Carrot"

Demo: Printess - Change form field list entries

Please note, the images used in this example must be already available inside the template. The Images based on the selected list value are selected by hardcoded styles.